What is The Ultimate Source



(First Edition, 2009)


On January 27, 2008, after 29 years of practice, I finally entered a full state of unity with The Ultimate Source of All Things (The Source) for approximately three hours. The experience was so overwhelming that I was left speechless for four months. I directly experienced that The Source of all things is extraordinarily wondrous, far beyond the scope of any human imagination. Describing it using the language of the material world is extremely challenging and might remain an insurmountable problem (or perhaps this reflects my own limitations?). The following is an "indescribable description" based on the intuitive perception experienced during unity with The Source.


A. The Source Cannot Be Defined

1. The Source is infinite—what is infinite cannot be defined; only finite things can be defined.

2. If forced to define it, one could only say: Source = Infinity.


B. The Source Can Only Be Described—Basic Descriptions

1. The Source is unique.

2. The Source is infinite.

3. The Source is formless and imageless.

4. The Source is beginless and endless.

5. Question: What is The Source? Answer: There is no term in human vocabulary for it. Alternatively: The Source is everything and nothing simultaneously (it is an "infinity").


C. The Infinite Nature and Attributes of The Source

1. The Source is the only absolute existence; all else is a relative existence created by The Source.

2. The Source is infinite, yet it simultaneously creates and contains all that is finite.

3. The Source is formless and imageless, yet it simultaneously creates and contains all forms and images.

4. The Source is timeless, yet it simultaneously creates and contains all beginnings and endings.

5. The Source's creation is entirely spontaneous. (If not spontaneous, it would revert to a state of non-existence - formless and imageless.)

6. There are two modes of spontaneity in The Source's creation: automatic and autonomous. (Automatic: in the material realm, this may be misinterpreted as "inertia." Autonomous: in the material realm, this may be misinterpreted as "mutation.")

7. The Source's creation is infinite. (Creation is perpetual and unceasing.)

8. The infinity of The Source is beyond logical reasoning and cannot be rationalized! (It transcends the finite imagination of any limited life form.)


D. The Source is Beyond Rational Comprehension—An Indescribable Description

1. The Source is both singular and infinite. For The Source, 1 equals 1, 1 + 1 equals 1, and 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 ... still equals 1.

   —— This demonstrates an illogicality: One = Infinite.

2. The Source occupies no space, yet it simultaneously creates and encompasses all space. Alternatively: The Source occupies zero spatial volume, while the spatial volume it creates and encompasses is infinite.  

   —— This demonstrates an illogicality: Zero = Infinite.

3. The Source is timeless, yet it simultaneously creates and encompasses all time. Alternatively: The Source's temporal dimension is zero, or it could be said that The Source's temporal dimension is eternally infinite.  

   —— This demonstrates an illogicality: Zero = Infinite (past = present = future).

4. The Source is beginless or endless, yet it simultaneously creates and encompasses all beginnings and endings.  

   —— This demonstrates an illogicality: Its existence has no origin or termination. (It is self-existent, self-sustaining.)

5. The Source is formless, yet it simultaneously creates and encompasses all forms.  

   —— This demonstrates an illogicality: Formless begets form (existence arises from non-existence, non-existence contains existence).

6. The Source is soundless and lightless, yet it simultaneously creates and encompasses all sound and light.  

   —— This demonstrates an illogicality: Soundlessness and darkness generate sound and light (existence arises from non-existence, non-existence contains existence).

7. The Source is locationless, yet it simultaneously creates and encompasses all locations.  

   —— This demonstrates an illogicality: The zero coordinate point equals any coordinate point. ("Absolute distance" between any two points equals zero; "relative distance" is determined by the relative frame of reference.)

8. The Source is infinitely small, yet also infinitely large.  

   —— This demonstrates an illogicality: Infinitely small equals infinitely large. ("Absolute difference" between any two volumes equals zero; "relative difference" is determined by the relative frame of reference.)

9. The Source is polarityless (neutral), yet simultaneously creates and encompasses all polarities. Each creation of The Source represents a "polarity", or a "manifestation" of The Source.  

   —— This demonstrates an illogicality: All entities are unified; each individual entity is a manifestation of the whole, representing the relationship of manifestation to essence rather than part to whole.

10. The Source is infinitely abstract, yet simultaneously creates and encompasses infinite concreteness.  

    —— This demonstrates an illogicality: Abstraction includes concreteness.

11. The Source is self-knowing and possesses infinite knowledge, yet it simultaneously creates and encompasses all unknowing and finite knowing.  

    —— This demonstrates an illogicality: All-knowing includes unknowing.

12. The transformations or manifestations of The Source are infinitely spontaneous, self-generating without any external force.  

    —— This demonstrates an illogicality: Self-originated spontaneity coupled with perpetual self-motion. (Existence arises from non-existence, with no origin yet self-originating.)

13. The transformations or manifestations of The Source are infinitely arbitrary, simultaneously creating and encompassing all finite rules and logic.  

    —— This demonstrates an illogicality: Arbitrariness includes rules; arbitrariness includes logic.

14. The Source (and its way of creation) far surpasses any logic or theoretical frameworks imaginable by humans!  


    —— Modern humans, with their rigid logic and self-imposed theoretical constraints, are merely engaging in a form of child's play created by The Source. Understanding the way of existence, absolute infinity, and the unity of opposites of The Source using finite human logic is exceedingly difficult (but it can be "perceived" through specific practices!).


E. Approximate Descriptions of the Nature and Attributes of The Source

Again: What exactly is The Source? Once more: Human vocabulary lacks a term. If compelled to provide an answer, I can only offer some approximate descriptions:

1. Spirit — a description from the perspective of nature. (This is the closest description, though still not accurate.)

2. Consciousness — a description from the perspective of attributes. (Again, an imprecise approximation.)

3. Freewill — a description from the perspective of functionality. (Again, an imprecise approximation.)

4. Voidness — a description from a visual perspective. (When The Source is still, not in motion, and not creating, it is in a state of "non-manifestation", or "nothingness.")

5. Infinity — a description from a definitional perspective. (This is the closest definition.)


F. A Simplified Description of The Source and Its Way of Creation

During my initial union with The Source, apart from the direct perceptions mentioned earlier, I sensed the simplest, most straightforward, and universally comprehensible description of The Source and its way of creation using modern language (which also forms the first sentence of my personal introduction and the answers to all questions I have answered since May 29, 2008, online):

1. "An immortal Freewill (Spirit) has infinite spontaneous imaginations, manifested as the infinitely diverse universe and all entities, along with their respective rules and no-rules."

2. "An immortal, formless Freewill (Spirit) has infinite spontaneous imaginations (thoughts), and these imaginations (expressions) are manifested as the infinitely diverse universe and all entities, along with their respective rules and no-rules."


Human language is inherently limited and struggles to describe the infinite. (Language is based on definitions, and defined constructs may never accurately capture the essence of what is undefinable, but can only approximate it indefinitely.) In the future, if I find a more precise way to describe it, I will provide an update.



(Everything stated here is an objective record based on decades of personal practice, personal verification, and personal observation. There are no theoretical assumptions, no logical deductions, and no reliance on classical texts. This is a personal experience and is provided for reference only.)




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