What Is SoC (Strength of Consciousness)
by YWS
(5th Edition, 2018-2024)
--------Table of Contents--------
A) SoC - Strength of Consciousness
B) SoC Levels
C) Relationship between SoC Levels and Hypnotic Reincarnation
D) Average SoC Level of Human Collective
E) Sample SoC Levels of Known Individuals
F) DNA Cracking
G) Limitations of this Experimental Zone
H) SoC Scanners
I) How to Develop SoC
Every soul incarnated on Earth has its data recorded and managed in the central database of the Hypnotic Reincarnation System. This system is operated by multiple organizations, including X-Group, 1-Group, T-Group, S-Group, and others. The primary operator managing Earth's Hypnotic Reincarnation System is T-Group, whose central database is located in the Draco star system and links with 13 other star systems (see *Figure 1).
T-Group is originally called the "Reincarnation Special Group". Because their logo resembles a capital letter “T”, henceforth it will be simply referred to as T-Group.
The following sections elaborate on these data points.
A. SoC - Strength of Consciousness
The concept of the Strength of Consciousness, or Spectrum of Consciousness, or “SoC”, originates from the Spectrum of Consciousness Research Committee (“SoC Research Committee”), an independent organization dedicated to the scientific study of consciousness across the universe. This organization has existed long before the material realm was created.
When each soul is created, it possesses a unique soul spectrum to differentiate it from other souls. A soul's SoC represents its unique soul characteristics, akin to a soul ID.
No two souls have identical spectrums.
As souls participate in different games across various universes, soul players need to match game requirements with their soul characteristics for optimal gameplay. In response to this need, the SoC Research Committee provides practical methods for utilizing soul spectrums and characteristics to different game developers, operators and players.
Game developers, operators and players modify soul characteristics based on game requirements by amplifying or enhancing certain soul spectrums/characteristics or compressing or weakening others.
The SoC Research Committee supplies the amplification and compression techniques to game developers, operators and players. Some game developers and operators also independently develop these techniques.
In the hypnotic reincarnation game system, the primary technique used is the Compression of Consciousness Spectrums. This technique weakens the SoC (Strength of Consciousness) of souls entering the hypnotic reincarnation cycle, making them easier to control. This technology is the core secret that enables the operators of the hypnotic reincarnation system to keep souls trapped within the system, unable to escape.
This core technological secret has existed long before the creation of the material universe and has persisted to this day. The operators of the hypnotic reincarnation system have maintained excellent secrecy, ensuring the system's success for billions of years without being compromised.
In other words:
the only loophole of the hypnotic reincarnation system is the Strength of Consciousness (Spectrum of Consciousness) or SoC.
Once this secret is exposed, the hypnotic reincarnation system can be cracked.
This document marks the first time in Earth's history that this secret is being publicly revealed.
B. SoC Levels
The SoC can be broadly divided into several hundred quantifiable detection or assessment points and finely divided into hundreds of thousands of quantifiable detection or assessment points. By integrating the quantifiable values of these detection points, a composite value is obtained. This composite value can be categorized into different levels, called "Strength of Consciousness Levels”, or “SoC Levels”, which represent the breadth, freedom, and autonomy of consciousness frequency.
The broader the consciousness frequency's breadth, freedom, and autonomy, the higher the level.
Consciousness inherently exhibits flexible fluctuations, so the SoC Level is a range of values rather than a fixed point. This fluctuation range varies depending on the individual and the circumstances.
For example, SoC level 8 is not a fixed composite value of 8.0; it has a fluctuation range, sometimes between approximately 7.5 and 8.5, and at other times between 7 and 9.
C. Relationship between SoC Levels and Hypnotic Reincarnation
The higher the level of SoC, the greater the degree of integration with The Ultimate Source ("The Source"), the stronger the ability to break illusions, and the stronger the ability to escape hypnotic reincarnation (aka hypnotic prison planet).
This change in strength is gradual, not abrupt.
(1) Levels 1-8: These levels have a shallow integration with The Source and more illusions, making them easily subjected to mass hypnosis for reincarnation.
(2) Levels 9-13: These levels have a deeper integration with The Source and fewer illusions, making mass hypnosis for reincarnation more difficult, though individual hypnosis is still possible.
Over the past few thousand years, those at levels 9-13 could escape the First-tier Reincarnation.
However, since the beginning of this century, the hypnosis and reincarnation system has undergone a major upgrade, and now levels 9-13 can no longer escape reincarnation.
(3) Levels 14 and above: These levels have an even deeper integration with the source and fewer illusions, allowing for gradual escape from reincarnation.
These data are updated as of December 2023. With continuous upgrades to the hypnosis and reincarnation system, these data will also be continuously updated.
(4) Level 30: The latest AI Hypnosis System in development, with a SoC at level 30. The system can operate independently, learn independently, and upgrade independently without soul intervention. It is currently in limited experimental use and has not yet been installed into the Earth's hypnotic reincarnation system (expected in 3-5 years).
(5) SoC of The Source: Infinite (infinite frequency, infinite authority).
Authority = the ability to read, execute, master, modify, and utilize the holographic information of the source.
The higher the SoC, the stronger the ability to read and decrypt the holographic information of The Source.
For example, when reading Akashic memories, the higher the SoC, the greater the ability and permission to read and decrypt information.
When a soul is hypnotized into the reincarnation system, the SoC of the soul in a physical body is compressed to below level 9.
D. Average SoC Level of Human Collective
Individual SoC levels are in a state of gradual change, increasing or decreasing with one's state of mind cultivation and practice.
E. Sample SoC Levels of Known Individuals
These are SoC levels at their time of departure from Earth (aka prison planet).
In the past few thousand years, levels 9-13 were suffcient to escape the First-tier Reincarnation.
- Laozi: 11-13 (escaped)
- Buddha: 12 (escaped)
- Mohammed: 12 (escaped)
- Nicolas Tesla: 12 (escaped)
- Edgar Cayce: 12 (escaped)
- Patanjali: 11 (escaped)
- Osho 10-13 (escaped)
- Zoroaster: 10 (escaped)
- Confucius: 10 (escaped)
- Nostradamus: 10 (escaped)
- Jesus Christ : 9-12 (escaped)
- Emanuel Swedenborg: 9 (escaped)
- Monroe: 9 (not escaped)
- Dolores Cannon (not escaped but rescued)
F. DNA Jail-breaking Level
In the hypnosis reincarnation system database, the degree of DNA breaking for a soul is the second most important data point after SoC.
The higher the SoC, the stronger the ability to break DNA.
This change in strength is gradual, not abrupt.
Obviously, jailbreaking DNA is another way to escape the hypnotic reincarnation system.
However, based on the complexity of DNA system and past experience, jailbreaking DNA is much more technically and practically difficult than developing SoC.
Realistically, it is much more practical to focus on developing SoC rather than focusing on jailbreaking DNA for human beings who has very limited knowledge about DNA.
G. Limitations of this Experimental Zone
The solar system and surrounding star systems are in an "experimental zone" with the following restrictions:
H. SoC Scanners
T-Group's Scanners:
There are two types of scanning devices. The first type detects levels 1-18, and the second type detects levels 1-30 (as of December 2023). The technologies for these two scanning devices are relatively mature, and their detection values are quite stable, especially the first type, which can achieve an accuracy rate of over 95%. Scanning devices for SoC levels above 30 are still in R&D stage.
The Domain Interstellar Alliance’s devices with a range of 1-30 levels, also over 95% accuracy.
The Dragon Clan Interstellar Alliance has more advanced scanning technology, measuring levels 1-35. However, the measurement values above level 30 are unstable, with low accuracy because higher SoC leads to more flexible consciousness frequencies and larger fluctuations in measurement values. The new technology is still under development and has not yet matured.
Some extraterrestrial groups have similar soul scanners, with the measurement range commonly ranging from levels 1-18 and gradually upgrading to levels 1-30.
On another hypnotic planet with spiritual development higher than Earth, a "Simple SoC Test Bag" has been developed. It has an accuracy rate of over 90%, circulated secretly among the people and available for purchase on the streets. The price is equivalent to around $20 USD.
Manual scanning is currently a simple solution, requiring training by former T-Group staff or spies. After several months of extensive practice, one can acquire basic manual scanning abilities. Accuracy varies from person to person, with the highest accuracy reaching over 90%.
At the entrance of T-Group's hypnosis base, there is an AI detection system that scans each incoming soul: what percentage of the AI process can hypnotize that soul. The detection value is displayed on the AI monitor at the entrance (see *Figure 2). This percentage corresponds to SoC. For instance, 60% corresponds to SoC level 6, 90% to level 9, and 120% to level 12. If one is familiar with the complete process of the hypnosis base and this entrance detection system, one can artificially simulate the hypnosis process and detection to calculate the closest approximate data.
Individuals who can astral travel, perform psychic communication, or channeling, or hypnosis practice may seek help from spiritual or extraterrestrial friends to perform scans (if they possess such abilities, as some do and some do not).
If you know or can connect to a former member or ex-spy from a T-Group, whether from the physical world or the spiritual realm, most of them will have this capability as well, with accuracy also varying by individual.
I. How to Develop SoC
The SoC Research Committee has studied hundreds of thousands of SoC AssessPoints, with several hundred being the most commonly used.
The comprehensive values of all AssessPoints form the "SoC level."
Each SoC AssessPoint also serves as a SoC DevPoint for developing SoC.
Detailed SoC AssessPoints and development methods are published in the articles "SoC AssessPoints".
*Figure 1:
Shows T-Group's business operations across 13 star systems, collectively known as the "Serpent Star Systems," with the central database in the Draco star system. The highlighted areas show part of these systems, including Draco, Ursa Major, Canes Venatici, Leo, Aquarius, Orion, Dorado and the Milky Way.
*Figure 2:
At the entrance of T-Group's hypnosis base, there's an AI detection system scanning each and every incoming souls: the percentage of AI processes needed for bulk automatic hypnosis.
The measurement values are displayed on the AI monitor above the entrance, resembling a large clock. This process percentage roughly corresponds to SoC. For instance, 60% is roughly equivalent to SoC level 6, 90% to level 9, and 120% to level 12.
A scene from Disney's movie "Soul" depicts the entrance of the T-Group hypnosis base:
The above explanation is a simplified account using human language; the true complexity is challenging to express accurately in human terms.
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